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Global Diaspora Week

North America Day is open to all Diaspora Organizations based in and from North America

15 December 2021

Activity 1:


High Level Consultation Sessions


(2 hours)


UTC / GMT: ​2am - 4am

(16 December) 


Pacific Standard Time:

6pm - 8pm



Eastern Standard Time: 

​9pm - 11pm


Activity 2:


Showcasing Diaspora Organizations' work for North America, Central America and the Caribbean


(All day) 


Post your good work on Social Media and hastag us and mention celebrating Global Diaspora Week:


​​LinkedIn:   #Global Diaspora Week

                  Global Diaspora Confederation

Facebook: @GDComeTogether

Instagram: @GDComeTogether

Twitter:      @GDComeTogether


GDC Group NCC1 for

SDG 1 -
No Poverty

SDG 2 -
Zero Hunger

SDG 3-
Good Health and Wellbeing

SDG 6 -
Clean Water and Sanitation

SDG 17 -
Partnership For The Goals

GDC Group NCC2

SDG 4 -
Quality Education

SDG 17 -
Partnership For The Goals

GDC Group NCC3

SDG 5 -
Gender Equality

SDG 10 -
Reduced Inequalities

SDG 16 -
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

SDG 17 -
Partnership For The Goals

GDC Group NCC4

SDG 8 -
Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDG 9 -
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

SDG 11 -
Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG 17 -
Partnership For The Goals

GDC Group NCC5

SDG 7 -
Affordable and Clean Energy

SDG 12 -
Responsible Consumption and Production

SDG 13-
Climate Action

SDG 14 -
Life Below Water

SDG 15 -
Life On Land

SDG 17 -
Partnership For The Goals


High-Level Consultation Sessions



GDC North America Group NA1


This High-Level Consultation Session invites Diaspora Organization leaders to share good practices of fighting poverty, coordinating food and clean water supply, building infrastructure for sanitation, and providing medical assistance for vulnerable diasporas. It also takes the opportunity to understand in more detail on where the vulnerable communities locate and how Diaspora Organizations and GDC partners can step in.


GDC North America Group NA2


​This High-Level Consultation Session invites Diaspora Organization leaders to share insights into the challenges and needs of diasporas in overcoming language barriers and lack of proper education in order to settle or grow up in the countries of residence. It also explores the usefulness of language learning for diasporas to continue to affiliate with their countries of origin. 


GDC North America Group NA3


This High-Level Consultation Session invites Diaspora Organization leaders to share experiences in the challenges and needs of diasporas when facing issues on Gender Equality, Reduced Inequalities, and Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions according UN Sustainable Development Goals 5, 10 and 16. It also aims to gather examples of Diaspora Organizations that created positive impact while managing acceptability of the society and culture.


GDC North America Group NA4


This High-Level Consultation Session invites Diaspora Organization leaders to share insights into the good practices, challenges and needs of Diaspora Organizations when they support diasporas to access decent work and economic growth. While diasporas contribute to the a variety of industries, innovation, development Infrastructure in both countries of residence and origin, Diaspora Organizations play a key role in facilitating them to create greater impact at a local, national and global levels. Together through work and economic growth, diasporas also help develop sustainable cities and communities. All these would not be possible without the year long support of Diaspora Organizations at the forefront.


GDC North America Group NA5


This High-Level Consultation Session invites Diaspora Organization leaders to address the challenges and needs of diasporas in vulnerable conditions due to climate change and energy issues. These also link to a wider area involving responsible production and consumption where experienced diasporas can promote together in a diaspora community as a whole. Affected diasporas are both stakeholders and advocates for all these. Diaspora Organizations play an important role in facilitating and support vulnerable diasporas in all possible way.

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